13/4 2021
added the little snail gif above
changed the background image on the right sidebar
added a background image to the art and diary pages
added some dorohedoro fanart to the art page
decided that iframes are too modern and scary for me and so i will not use them
tried to change the scrollbar colours before realizing that mozilla does not support doing that
made a little graphic to put on newly updated pages (i can't get it to show up the way i want on the sidebar though. that's fine)
11/4 2021
added a righthand sidebar with some information about this site and why i'm making it
added an art page which currently has no art on it
wrote some actual info about me on the about page
fixed link colours and hunted broken links
stared down the barrel of the iframe gun
31/3 2021
added a diary page, which is still a work in progress
27/3 2021
played around with colours and sidebar navigation
added background image to sidebar